Friday, November 19, 2004

To hate you is all I want to do.

I am so much better when I know for sure I am left alone. It makes me so much more friendly for the next time I meet up with people. Ah.. freakin ay though Levi keeps calling. Its cause I got something he wants. Yeah pretty sad. Anyhow.. tonight was some fun with good ole' Jesus. So ah .. we went and ended up lurking around and we found Michelle aka Hasheeb who I was like what the shell has happen to her but we are all good now cause I know where shes at. Yup. Its all awesome stuff about that topic. We just kept seeing people everywhere. It was so odd. We hardly ever run into people. Yeah I don't know what happen to Tony. I can't remember if I was supposed to call him or not. Speaking of a Tony... I know Hasheebs boyfriend from my long forgotten past and that was a smack in the face today. Yikes. Um work was awesome cause I worked with Dee and she is just plain Funny. I guess she thinks all my jokes are awesome so she speaks about all of them. Kinda hard to believe. So man how things change. This time last year I remember being such a fool not that I gave that up but its amazing how the people who once said you ment the world to them can change in an instant. I still have a hard time understanding but meh... Not my problem anymore. Saying that I was told that Dick is getting out of jail soon so I am all good with that. It will make me happy. I still haven't wrote down all that I did in las Vegas again but lets just say it was something great. I mean White lions, tigers and Dolphins. Then there is hardrock, casinos,showgirls, taxis,buses,Paris,M&M factory,Coke factory,Walking, Elvis, Bugsy, the Flamingo, The penguins, Boats with singing people, almost being mugged, security guards, four hour long parades, Marine Ball, Air planes, Smashing Pumpkins,Lights,weddings, tattoo shops, and plenty more... so I mean it was really long to retype about so meh... once again not my problem. I just lost some spirit today. So many things are just all adding up to suck so I don't mean to be so lame but I am. I did however meet some really interesting kids today. Man oh man to realize that they will never have the simple things that we have such as being able to talk, walk, or be understood. Its just so tragic. Everytime you meet one of these kids who you think was born normal and had some freak thing happen to make them what they are today you are just really sad. Ah.. anyhow Zane just called me and its so not cool some guy got mouthy with him and Picked up a brick to hit him in the face and so Zane has to go get stitches and stuff but of course once you throw a punch at Zane you got another thing coming so ... I really hate that the kid was stupid enough to mess with Zane cause I guess he was left way worst off than he thought he would be. The story was just horrible. I worry about that. So yeah.. freakin stress factors are really annoying. Ah.. not only that I just am not so darn happy anyways. So hey sometime if you forget you have friends... catch me cause it looks like I might need one. Later~Ruth


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HeY BABY RC its been awhile. Might I make you SmIle??
MaKe no mIstAke guEss wHo this CouLd bE? I bEt iF You thiNk abOut iT You will rEmeMber Me FRom not That LoNg aGo. ALl I hAve tO sAy is "I DARE YOU!" (inCaSe yOU diDnt cAtch ThAt, tHis iS yoUr hiNt) YoU goTta hIt mE uP sOmetIme caUse I miSs tHe cuTe aNd adOraBle BABY RC. I ALWAYS miSs HEr. LuV yA mUch. "ANONYMOUS" the boy once called JAkE
(Or WaS I not SUppoSed tO meTion tHaT)

Tue Nov 23, 09:49:00 PM 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uM WhErE iS EDiT? I NoW LoOk KoOL wItH the wHoLe MeTion thInG oN tHe OtHer PoST sO ScRatcH tHat IdEa aNd I wIlL ReMaiN
"Anonymous" fRoM nOw oN.

Tue Nov 23, 09:55:00 PM 2004  

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