Monday, January 23, 2006

Lets play some KETCHUP!!

So... First off incase I haven't mentioned the three jobs I have... I am still working all three.
By day I am helping handicap children. Day and Night I am a Bagger in the local food mart and By Night I am in a bar working what my momma gave me. He he jk I am not a stripper Thank the good God for that. Anyways.... Friday my day was an adventure working 16hours straight. Saturday I started work at 4pm at the store kept going til 8pm and then quick headed out to the bar working til about 3am and getting yelled at all night because apparently I SUCK at that job. Then I was trying to be nice and get Lloyd drunk this weekend so that he could say he had some fun. Well I am sure he had some fun but .... He was really drunk and didn't want to leave and so by the time I was leaving it was way late and I was like lets eat. Then we took the drunk guys to dinner for what reason I am still deciding. I ate a PEPPER and it sucked. EWW.... dumb bets. I lost an extra $20 and ha I spent a total of $50 in a matter of 3 mins I swear. Yeah The moral is Ruth works all these hours and gives her pay check away cause thats just how bright this crayon is. :) So yeah I then had no sleep and worked 9 hours on Sunday at 7am til 4 pm. By the time it was 9:30am I was vomiting MDX and it looked like I had been drinking lots of radiation. IT was NOT COOL but I was all about the job and stayed til the end. After Grandma being the awesome person she is said that I should go to dinner with her. LETS JUST SAY DINNER SUCKED!! We went to Applebee where I kinda kept falling asleep and feeling worst so eventually I made it home just in time to do nothing and crash as soon as I saw my bed.
Today was supposed to be my easy 5hours of work day. Nope not at all. At first it was oh just work 2hours more then it turned into will you work 7 so yeah thats an easy day of 12 hours. I still have nothing to show for all this hard work. Hopefully sometime soon I will. I am just not sure.
Ha funny story. My buddy Judy that I work with was joking around about when I get married and I was like screw that. Married? You think I got time for a guy?? Then she was like you're right thats just another thing you would have to be putting in your planner. LONG STORY SHORT WORK SUCKS!!! -Ruth<3


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