My Grandma gets more phone calls

So ... Sad but true ... these days I get phone calls from current employers or NO ONE! Yeah its true ... I hear some cell phone going off in the house and now its always my grandmas. Lol. How tragic.
I've spent alot of time watching David Nivins, Cary Grant, Van Johnson and other classic movies. I must say my most favorite so far is Mother Bachelor along with listening to Shawn Pander music.
Which means Listening to the echos of the rain outside
splashing off my roof top...
Its still teasing me
Still dis-pleasing me
But yet I would rather be here
than out there alone.
Howdy Pardner...!!!!!
Ya' know, I can't stand talking on the phone. There are a select few people I can enjoy talking to, well, actually only one. I figure just because the phone rings doesn't mean you have to answer it. I mean if it wasn't there at all it would never ring anyway and instead of people not calling they would be coming by but if they call and you don't answer then they don't anything at all so you don't have to be bothered or ever put on the spot.
I always try to find the positive, even in the complete negative. Don't feel bad or less popular than granny, she has a lot of years on you and probably a lot more friends, one day you will too.
Now if you are really bored you can just call random numbers(at night not to use valuable minutes) and when they answer you say, "Thank you for calling Juanita's Taco Palace, may I help you?" Now that is good for one good laugh, I promise...
Until next time, keep your chin up Ruth...
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