Sunday, March 27, 2005

Easter cheer

Happy Easter Everyone!!
So Currently i am really upset cause i am trying to type one handed. i guess i am so skilled to still be able to type @ all. On thursday i had to work with another guy and eh... it didn't go so well. i ended up going to the Er. Yeah well i pulled all the muscles from my neck on down on my right arm. Which i will know in about a week if I will have to go for therpy. Worst case is surgery but the Er doc said he really feels its not damaged that bad but he can't say for sure about nerve damage yet. so what the shell i finally have some sunshine that I LOVE and missed forever and now i gotta keep my arm activity low and stay close to the fridge for ice. Wooo... anyways if i am gone for a long while this is why lol it takes along time to type lleft handed. Good news is that i had friday off and i get to have all next week off for Spring Break. i do however feel that my Cpr class on Tuesday could be a bit of a challenge.:) Have a good spring start and i will try my best to keep in touch.

Monday, March 21, 2005

eh ... Not much to say

So my car officially SUCKS!! I went to pick it up on Friday night and yeah didn't even make it home. It now needs an alternator. What the shell you just can't win.

Friday I also went with Jenny Hicks aka Joe Robbins and Tony aka Moo to go play some pool. We all won some and lost some but it was a lot of fun. We had a freezing cold picnic in the parking lot of Wal-Mart and it was really funny. I thought it was just great. We sat on the pavement like morons and people were like what the shell they doing but it was a lot of fun. Something I most likely won't do again til the weather is warmer. We then went to Wesco because Tonys friend was working. We bought a ton of scratch off cards and Jenny won 25 dollars and I won 1 dollar woo!! Cause I am so COOL!

Saturday was boring. I didn't do much besides talk to my deer friend Shaun Bowe which really accomplished nothing. I know he was going to buy a chair and he hates self pity. Woo the things you learn.

Sunday my family all came over for dinner. Whoa what a time. Kinda okay that its over. Its like the second people come in the door they have a million and one things to say about things I don't really dwell on. Meh... its not like I have anything interesting to tell them either. I just kinda find it funny. We did have a good dinner though and Grandma worked her magic with the food. I talked to Richard last night who just says I am busy. Lol he never intends to call but he said sometime we will really play pool. Just like that Levi who says he will be home soon. Psh yeah right. Now he is bringing Sophia maybe? I don't know .. Nick says he will come but who can say for sure. He was supposed to be back here already.

Today I went to work after spending most of my night awake. I didn't fall asleep until at least 2 am last night and before I knew it 5 am was here and I was dragging myself out of bed. It was an over all easy work day. Just long and tiring but I survived it. I am boycotting the news for now because it seems its one horrible story after another which when I catch the news its before going to work so if you listen to all that sad stuff before your day starts of course the rest will suck. Oh yeah and if you are fan of cereal I recommend for all you raisin brand freaks out there to try the new crunchy kind. Its pretty tasty.

Currently I am listening to Something Corporate thinking gee ... Glad I am going to miss that show at 8 am! ha ha ha

The rest of the week I only have to work two full days then two half days and Not at all on Friday which is cool but then again ... I gotta make some money cause my car is dumb and oh yeah that college idea costs an arm and a leg. Man what the shell you can never win.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

The history I got from a random St patricks site.

On March 17th, people in many parts of the world celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Most of us know the traditional stories about St. Patrick--those about him ridding Ireland of snakes and using the shamrock to preach Christianity and discuss the Blessed Trinity. But few of us know the rest of the story of St. Patrick. That story--both for inspirational and historical reasons--is one of the most impressive biographies in history, and discovering the real Patrick can give us a much greater incentive to observe the his feast day and raise a toast to him.
Did you know that Patrick wasn't born in Ireland--but rather in present-day Scotland or Wales? It is believed that Patrick was born in Dumbarton around the year 385 A.D. His parents were Romans who oversaw the empire's interests in Scotland and England at the time. Patrick was not raised a Christian.
In order to appreciate the story of Patrick, we must first know Ireland as a country before the arrival of Patrick. Prior to the sixth century B.C., Ireland was inhabited by very simple farming people. Between the sixth and third century B.C., the native population was overcome by migrating Celtic peoples--originally from Central Europe. While a significant portion of the modern-day United Kingdom was overtaken by the Romans and later converted to Christianity, Ireland remained untouched by the outside world, and remained an isolated island of pagan barbarians. Dublin, for example, would not be founded for another five hundred years.
At approximately the age of sixteen, Patrick was captured by raiders from Ireland along with several other unfortunates, and taken to Ireland as a slave. Patrick was put to work tending sheep for a chieftain named Milchu. By his own account Patrick worked for Milchu tending sheep for approximately six years. During that time he learned to speak the Celtic language, learned the countryside, and learned the customs and ways of Ireland.
Though he had not been raised a Christian, Patrick had been exposed to the teachings of Christianity prior to his capture. During his six years as a slave, he began to turn to God and to pray. Eventually he was praying morning, noon and night. One night in Patrick's sleep, after he had prayed over one hundred times earlier that day, he heard a voice say:
"You do well to fast: soon you will depart for your home country . . .
. . .behold, your ship is ready!"
That night Patrick fled from his master and traveled two hundred miles to the coast. There he found a ship ready to depart for mainland Europe. He persuaded the crew to let him board and traveled with them to what is modern-day France. There, after several more dreams and revelations, he studied in a monastery for twelve years, preparing himself for the day when he could return to Ireland and bring the Word of God to his barbarian captors.
At first, however, the Pope appointed another person to take Christianity to Ireland--a man named Palladius. Not long after setting foot in Ireland, however, Palladius became discouraged and frightened by the people of Ireland and their barbarity and asked to be transferred to Scotland. It was then that Pope Celestine looked to Patrick.
It was a great choice, as Patrick was the perfect man for the job. His time as a slave had prepared him for his mission. Without fear, he traveled through the roughest parts of Ireland. Patrick even visited his old master and captor and converted him to Christianity. Patrick won converts in Ireland as no other person could, and in his wake grew churches, schools, and thousands of followers.
Patrick worked miracles and converted people all over Ireland during a ministry that lasted nearly thirty years. He died on March 17, in the year 461. Most of what we know about Patrick comes from a small number of writings, the most notable of which is the "Confession of Saint Patrick", which is essentially a an autobiography that Patrick wrote about his own conversion and his work in Ireland. It is one of the few writings that survived from this period in history and it is itself a miracle.
The story about Patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland might be history's way of telling about his victory over paganism and barbarism in Ireland. The story about using the shamrock to teach people about the Holy Trinity is convincing, but based mostly on legend. Regardless, the part of Patrick's story that we do know is true is the most impressive of all. Patrick brought the gift of Christianity to a violent, barbaric land that had turned him into a slave. And he did it all with nothing more than his own faith and determination. Anyone who admires acts of both forgiveness and bravery can find a role model in St. Patrick.

How many people live in Ireland and how big is Ireland?

About 3.8 million people live in Ireland. (Compare to over 290 million in the U.S.)
Ireland is just over 27,000 square miles, or 33,000 if you count the whole island. In other words, Ireland is a little smaller and has fewer people than the U.S. State of Kentucky.

Do they speak only English or any other languages in Ireland?

The Irish speak English as their main language of course. But about a third can speak Gaelic. In fact, most grade school children are taught at least some Gaelic, and a more recent law made it mandatory for signs on streets, etc. to also contain the Gaelic version as well as the English.

What does "Celtic" mean?
Celtic refers to the people who conquered Ireland several centuries B.C. and dominated the island with their culture until the arrival of St. Patrick. Though St. Patrick converted the Irish from the Celtic paganism to Christianity, other elements of life carried on the remaining Celtic culture. We all recognize the "Celtic cross" for example, as a symbol of Ireland.
Note: Although Boston's basketball squad and our Americanized pronunciation tends to make us pronounce "Celtic" with an "s" sound, the Irish pronounce the word as "Keltic".

What's the difference between Ireland and Northern Ireland?

The island of Ireland is split into the Republic of Ireland (which is what most people mean when they say "Ireland") and the northeastern 15% of the island, which is called "Northern Ireland" and is a part of the United Kingdom along with England, Scotland and Wales. It was split that way when the Republic of Ireland became independent from the United Kingdom in 1921.

Is everyone in Ireland Catholic?

No, but about 90%+ are. And the Catholics in Ireland probably attend mass more regularly than any population in the world, even Italy. Perhaps ironically, however, the two biggest churches in Dublin are held by the Protestants (the Church of Ireland).

Is there a meaning behind the design of Ireland's flag?

Yes. The green represents the Catholics, the orange represents the Protestants, and the white between the two bars represents the need and hope for peace between them.

Why are there so many people in the United States with Irish ancestors?

During the years 1845-1849, Ireland experienced the Great Famine, when crop failures made food incredibly scarce. Following that were also thousands of evictions of tenant farmers by their landlords, as the crop failures meant that they could not pay their rent. Ireland at the time had a population of over eight million. Of that number, about one million died due to disease and starvation, and over two million fled to the United States and Britain.

What is Ireland's economy like now?

Booming. For much of the twentieth century, Ireland maintained a steady population leak as the Irish continued to emigrate to other countries like the U.S. That has changed, however, as Ireland is now referred to as the "Celtic tiger". It is one of, if not the, fastest-growing economies in Europe. Tax breaks have lured many international companies to Dublin and elsewhere in the country.

What are Irish people like?

Despite their characterization as a quaint people, the Irish are one of the most well-educated countries in the world, and skilled labor is abundant. Electronics account for almost 25% of Irelands exports. Ireland is also a young country, as more than 50% of the population is age 30 or younger.

Who are some famous Irish people?

The rock group U2 is arguably the world's most popular rock group at the present time. Other notable Irish musicians include Van Morrison, Sinead O'Connor and the Cranberries.

The names James Joyce, W.B. Yeats, George Bernard Shaw, Samuel Beckett, and Oscar Wilde evidence a strong literary heritage for such a small population.

Film Stars/Hollywood:
Liam Neeson and Colin Farrell are probably the most currently well-known stars from Ireland. Hollywood greats Peter O'Toole and Richard Harris are from Ireland too. Although he's successfully played the British hero James Bond, actor Pierce Brosnan is actually Irish.

What kinds of sports do they play in Ireland?

Soccer, golf, rugby, and a uniquely Irish sport called hurling, are the most popular sports in Ireland.
Which beers are from Ireland?

Of course everyone has heard of Guinness, whether it be for its unique beer or its book of records. Other world-famous beers that are from Ireland are Smithwick's ("Smitty's" -that is brewed in Kilkenny), Harps (brewed in Dundalk), and Murphy's Stout (brewed in Cork).

What else comes from Ireland that I probably didn't know about?

Get any Waterford crystal as a wedding gift? It's produced in the small port town of Waterford in southeast Ireland.

Monday, March 14, 2005

ah there went the no blog idea

So .. side note check out your rank
I am 207th

Anyhow... So I have something wrong with my eye? it makes me wish to cry.

My car is BROKEN and will cost me a good arm and a leg to fix :(

My co-workers wanna go with a new union completely blind to the obvious reasons why MEA would adopt them anyways... Which when anyone stops to think about it they almost have there own monopoly because if you control all the unions within one school district you can very easily use that to your advantage. Plus those silly people have no idea what they are risking when adopting MEA. A union helps control a lot of things including health benefits and their retirement plans. Those foolish people. I refuse to allow myself to join any part of their union because in my job I do not have to be in a union but not only that they are going to be giving everything up to the teachers. If I had to join our union I would first off go with someone besides MEA I honestly think that they are going to get rid of it because of personal conflict between the union president and the rep from the union corporation and honestly if you think about it is unprofessional. So who knows what stupid thing will happen but if my job gets put into the whole union thing I am skipping that and finding a new job with people who know what they are doing.

Yup .. And I bought some new berry flavored aquafina or whatever it is just to see if it was better than Propel and its not... But Propel does have a total of I think 4 carbs and something like 15 calories and aquafina has zero carbs and Zero calories however it does contain a low amount of sodium. Either is better than a Dr.Pepper health wise. Even though everyone knows the good doctor might be bad it still tastes SO GOOD.

Tomorrow I have cooking class. woo hoo

Last night I went bowling with Seth,Jamie and Shun-Shaun it was so funny. Poor Shaun had trouble with the word Ball and he tripped twice once over my foot on our way into the restaurant and the other time he just plain tripped which was hysterical. Oh yeah did I mention my good game of like 15 gutter balls all together.. So lets think about this you can only throw the ball 20 times in one game so it was a total of 3 out of four times my ball was bound to end up a gutter ball. MEh... Its okay I lived to tell the tale.

Um.. I hear a lot of different ideas about the snow we seem to be having. Who would have guessed that so many people are qualified to report the weather. Ha. Anyhow... So that's all the info for now. Catch you folks at a better time.

masterpiece by God .. aka Mike Grimm Posted by Hello

a ton of heros... and just so you all know this is the last Lloyd drawing I am posting cause I don't want everyone to tell me how much better he is than me lol. Posted by Hello

our favorite cartoon when we were lil people by Lloyd Posted by Hello

all these people by lloyd Posted by Hello

ah another great pic by Lloyd  Posted by Hello

x-men by Lloyd  Posted by Hello

Some guy by Lloyd Posted by Hello

Mouse by Lloyd  Posted by Hello

Picture of Gambit by brother Lloyd Posted by Hello

by brother Lloyd  Posted by Hello

Hand by brother Lloyd and just so we all know I can't draw hands so I am jealous Posted by Hello

start of hand by Lloyd Posted by Hello

Girl revised... oh yeah and I drew that yesterday so its pretty new Posted by Hello

My messed up chick drawing  Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 13, 2005

shaun bowes one legged cat!!  Posted by Hello

Lol such magic!  Posted by Hello

old pal collin.  Posted by Hello

Brother Lloyd going to prom  Posted by Hello

ha ha Moo aka Tony's senior pic Posted by Hello

Zane the last time he came home  Posted by Hello

My captin one eye .. aka Kohl  Posted by Hello

Shaun Bowe again cause he wants to be a sexy beast!! ha ha  Posted by Hello

Shaun Bowe at a lake!!  Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Look at all the pretty pictures

So.. I spent a lot of time putting all these pictures on here tonight. I know I didn't really have much else planned but .. meh it still took time that I will never get back. Anyways.. I put my drawings and lots of random pics of me and other people. It'd be nice if someone were motivated enough to comment on every picture but LOL .. I know you people are too lazy to comment on one. This is my last entry for a bit cause ... I don't want to over crowd my blog here. LOL so take care folks. Love always~NINJA

This is Bladen, Ashley, Jenny,Charity and I all having fun celebrating Ashleys 21st Birthday inside of Hooters. Posted by Hello

Yet again loving another tree.. Posted by Hello