Friday, December 31, 2004


MUSTARD PLUG + wsg. Dan Potthast (MU330) + One For The Books + Deals Gone Bad + The Meehs + DJ Chuck Wren= FU with an N!! So Ren went home and left me here to just sit all alone now. Meh.. what can ya do? Then Jenny Hicks and I decided it was time to venture out of our lil tiny town. We went to see a Mustard Plug concert with Mike, his friends Angela and Fritz. It was freakin awesome. We also passed a cop doing about 95 in a 70. It was a mirical we didn't get caught cause he turned his lights on and everything. What the Shell ? Lol. Anyways... It was a blast. Alot of great people there. After that we got some Chow from that guy Steve at Arbys. I love how we have conections now. I am really exhausted cause Jenny bought me some new freakin dvds and all I do is watch them all the time now. Hey the other night Richard came down again. It was alot of fun just doing nothing. We drove drove and drove some more . It was great. We did end up playing some pool but I am no match for Ren and Rickard. They are like freakin... Awesome er something. Those punks. anyways.. its late and I am tired. So I will write another time. Love~Ruth

Monday, December 27, 2004

Happy Merry Late Christmas!

Well Christmas was some fun. We got to all be together just like we thought we wouldn't. ha ha! Anyhow.. all my family came here for Christmas Eve and it was really amazing cause I mean it just was awesome. Then after that Richard took Ren, Heath and I to just drive around and some stranger gave me a cool black rose. It was pretty neat. Then after that happen we went to the park where Heath and Ren knocked each other down in the snow it was classic. Once we came home Ren and I spent most of the night playing old school nintendo. It was really great. we didn't wake up on Christmas til about 10:30 er after which was nice. I got to sleep in. YAY! We waited for my Mom to show up then we opened gifts. I was really just excited to give Jenny hers... So we went and had alot of fun at the Bagleys house. We all just hungout and did nothing for the evening. It was rather great. After that we came home to just hangout again with the family. Last night Jenny Hicks and I decided to go run around the town once I had given her the new car cd player. It was really some fun. In the process we dropped off Shaun Bowe's gift just because we can. lol I tried to chuck it out the car window but he wasn't standing outside in the snow for some reason. Once we left that place we went to Mike Grimms to see what the plan was. Well it made me laugh alot just because we were all out of ideas and decided to go sledding for no apparent reason. We bought these small things that look like giant circles and we decided we had to sled down a hill. we did just that. We froze we got hurt and we had alot of fun. After I beat them in sled racing they decided we better be going cause it was bitter cold. So we tried to leave just in time to find out that Jenny had lost her keys? how lame is that. we had to go back and fetch some keys in the snow. After Jenny and I ditched Mike finally we went and bought some beef jerky, a dvd and perfume. Wow what a choice. At 6 in the am Ren and I were finally starting to sleep just in time for me to get up at ten to call jenny. Well this morning I was kinda dragging and my leg felt like I was going to lose it while walking. Lol. Hmm.. so it turned out I had to get my act together just in time for us to go to a see Ocean's 12 at the local movie theater. Once we did that it was back at the old home for me. I have been here since but I feel rather icky. I have no idea what from. Yuck though. Shaun collins stopped by to give me my Christmas gift which was really great of him. He didn't have to do that but he did. I just think he is awesome and I am so glad he is my friend. Jesus is gone in the boot state. Jenny and I are supposed to go see Mustard Plug and then to club for concerts on Thursday and Friday nights. It might be a little bit of fun. So ... I must get going cause I am typed out. So .. Later gator~Ruth aka Ninja

There is always that one
One who makes your heart beat

Shows you that you are alive
They make you want to strive

That one
is the one that will always have a grip on you
No matter how hard you try
Its going to be that way Til you die.
My heart beats slowly now that he is gone
My words know no music to make a song
I know that this feeling I have now is wrong
Its still been so long since he went away
Can you believe it I have been counting the days
408 As of today.
Wonder if you can remember that date?
Yup since then its all been lies of hate
I miss you day after day after day
I can't ever believe you made me this way
I most of the time feel so dead inside
When I just see you once in awhile it makes me smile
and I know then I am still alive
My heart beats catch up with the rest of me
I then can see
All I have done since you left is grief

I lost more than a part of me
I lost all of YOU
Alone with only my memories
Thats what you left to be with me
I am content
Knowing that this time of mine was well spent
Even though I can type or write all these things
I can only do this because I know you are gone
You took flight already and grew your own wings
I also know chances are you won't see what is still before you
If you do it will be too late or most likely you will feel oppisite
With you I was the me I wanted to be
Though my heart is growing very weak
It still occasionally beats
Spending time with Deep sarrow I remember there still is a tomorrow.

Why you will be forgetting.
Everytime your finger traces the outline of her face
A part of us has been erased.
Everytime you kiss her lips
A part of us slips
When she is near
We are left with Fear
That once sweet taste
fades to a bitter waste
your mind fills with dreams of her
Not leaving anything to remind you of what we were
everytime you see her face
Another part of us has been erased
The touch of her skin
shows that she will win
Your heart starts to beat
when you hear her feet
when you don't make her cry
It won't remind you how we died
The sound of her voice whispering your name
makes blood run faster through your veins
whatever the reason
you begain a whole new season
Everytime you see her face
More of us has been erased
Soon I will know I have been replaced.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Someone didn't love Santa

So today... We took Breanna to the mall to see Santa. Didn't work as planned. She hated him.:( I felt real bad. He was real nice and ah ... they thought I was her Mom? I am like what the shell do I look OLD enough. It seems these days everyone thinks I am so old. Not cool. Anyhow... We had alot of fun. Levi my Law Buddy called me today. I really was excited! He says that he still misses Michigan so we will have to wait and see what happens with that. Its always cool to hear from my awesome law Buddy. Kohl got to have a nice Tea Party with Breanna made me laugh. I went shopping today it was okay. I hate how many other people shove you around in a store. Its just unreal how lame it is. I have not seen or heard anything from these following people in awhile.... Jake,Cassi, Michelle, Zane, Ben Snape, Shaun Collins, MatT, Erik, that Dick kid and the other ones that I forget I know... Lol oops. Anyways... Thats just Odd. Shaun Bowe would be proud of me that I bought myself some spiffy Black and Red penguin socks today cause ah ... I am cool like that. I assure you its true. You know the part about me being cool. I haven't been a good pen pal in awhile but sometime I am going to start again cause its just so fun. I kinda miss it. I wish to be that cool again. Maybe I will write some of the boys fighting in Iraq who knows maybe thats how I will meet the next Mr Chapman. He he he makes me laugh alot. Did I mention I am a dater Hater currently? Yeah sounds like a good club huh? I thought maybe. I so almost fell in love the other day with this dark haired boy with Lighty dreamy blue eyes cause he was hot and bought The NINJA Turtle movie but then .... He swore alot all in one sentence. Made me sad. I was like why... we could have been the best. Yeah then I almost fell in love with a man I saw from the distance at Ruby Tuesdays... just cause he was so darn fun looking with his ink, dark hair, mastcevious smile but then I realized he would always think that its Tuesday and thats not the funnest day of the week plus he had this Santa Pager to tell you when its time for the kids to go get there picture taken... He just let it keep beeping forever and it was driving me insane. YIKES. So otherwise... I am good in today. My arm could be better because its tired from carrying breanna. Thats all I have for now... more luck next time.
WE were always cozy
singing and playin'
Ring around the rosie
Pockets full of posies
Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
I don't know who to Trust.
Loving you was a must
who knows maybe that was LUST?

Friday, December 17, 2004

...... Not sure

Sweet and sour
You were the man of the Hour
You know how to take all my power
And it seems you have devowered
Love me Hate me
just don't date me.
I can be whatever you want me to be
You wait and see
I could have made you love me
instead I let you think you were above me
The things I do
Just to prove
That I am nothing without you.
What a fool!!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Christmas thoughts and such.

She walks to a bench all alone. With all the fears she has ever known. With only a souvenir in her hands for its all that remains to call her own. She had things money could not buy no matter how hard you tried. She pauses for a moment before knocking on a door her heart sinks fast like its going to the floor. On a step she finds herself weak for she has no voice left to speak. All she can do is weep for the one she loved most was last seen lying at her feet. The air is still reminding her life is passing her by. She thought if only she could fly go so high and touch that beautiful sky. She knows he would be there waiting for her. When is it going to be her turn? The many nights she lies awake restless in the dark with only a pillow to hold close to her heart. Few moments when she does find rest its because some how he finds a way to still have a presence there even in worlds apart.
-As you have Christmas cheer just remember there are some with many tears. For they are facing their biggest fear. They lost someone who was oh so dear. So honor our boys fighting for our Freedom.

So I have been keeping busy and also Bob aka the computer is being difficult sometimes. Monday was an okay day but no one wanted to come out and play. Tuesday was great even though I worked all day then spent all my money like a fool. LOL I went to the mall and shopped all alone. It was lame shopping alone but anyhow... I bought some cool gifts. Really cool. Last night was a lot of fun because Tony and I went to the choir concert and we saw charity and Shaun Bowe there. We laughed some. Bowe says: i like your hair you look good...outrunrain: ay so you think the way I grow my hair now is great huh ?Bowe says: heh outrunrain: I like growing it different LOL outrunrain: THANKS Bowe says: i dunno i just thought u looked pretty i hadnt seen u in a while. Then Tony and I left to go see Deb aka The Jesus Mother. Ha ha. We just hungout until late always tires to give me one of everything she has and I feel bad for not always taking her stuff but ah if I do get a drink or something then I feel bad if I don't chug it down right away either.. Its a no win situation. LOL. Poor me. Looks like I will have to drink a lot. I got an email from Christian so that's awesome!! My best email pal. Yahoo! I thought maybe I had lost him but he could never lose me or so that is what I have been told. After that my night didn't turn out so well which as a result I had a horrible morning. I mean you ever just get the feeling someone is standing over you? Well that happen to me and it just so happen they were. EVEN WORST. I couldn't understand why the shell anyone would do that. They figure he was sleep walking but... I was like that's not normal. I woke up scared to death and I couldn't get him to talk to me at all. Talk about not the coolest thing ever. I was so scared. I didn't know what to do finally he just left on his own and I shut and locked my door. So that was about 2 am and I didn't go to bed til 12 anyways... So I mean I only slept a tiny bit and I had to go to work at 5. So that wasn't cool at all. I was so freaked out. I still am too. Freakin ay... Not cool. Anyhow without any sleep at all then working it was a hard day. Tonight Shannon, Tony, Jenny Hicks, Danny and I are all supposed to go to the movie and we tried to invite Mike ... But we don't know? We will see how it turns out and I am pretty sure my room will be locked tonight because I was scared to death. Otherwise... Nothing too much new going on here. I will catch you people sometime later. Love~Ruth

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Thoughts... And stuff.

So Monday started off my long week. Work was not too exciting because I was starting to come down with something. right after work I called some pals and it was set that we would all go hangout. Well Shaun, Seth, Jenny, Amanda and I all went to Target and the mall. We had some fun. I mean we decided Shaun is the most likely to break out into song anytime any where. Jenny is the most Likely to beat you in the head with a shoe at any moment. Amanda is the most likely to... ? Can't remember but I know Seth was most likely to eat our left over bread crumbs. So it made me laugh. Anyhow... We did all that and came back to my house but it was a late night and on Tuesday I had a whole day of work for myself again. Lucky Me. I ended up without any breaks in the day and I went on this trip with some rude teachers. Yeah I was lovin that. NOT! I did however get to buy a hat. I really cool hat from the buckle. I didn't really have any breaks and I got home about 6:30 er so just in time to chat with Jenny Hicks and Mike for a minute. Which was long enough for Mike to agree to go to a movie with us. Well we of course let him pick cause what the shell do we care? So .. He picked Alexander the great. Yeah let me tell you our movie theater isn't the most comfortable thing in the world to sit in for 3 hrs. Turns out Jenny couldn't make it either. It was strange cause I think mike was thinking how the shell can I escape? Meh.. Oh well and he brought me home just in time for me to take a shower and stay up late once again. So by the time Wednesday came I was really sick and I had no voice. None at all. I took the morning off from work to try to sleep. Yeah it was lame. Then I went to work in the after noon and later on that night Jenny Hicks came and Grandma took us up to GR for dinner and I bought a new coat. Well once again lack of sleep. On Thursday I was still sick and I worked all day without yet another break. Then on Friday I ended up switching drivers which was lame. So then that wasn't cool and inbetween on my break Lloyd and I went to decorate for his party. Well the party was right after I got out of work so I ended up going til late last night. It was alot of fun but I am still sick and yeah I don't think its cool at all. Anyhow .. I have alot to say but I must rest. Here are some more thoughts. and I will catch you all later!~Ruth

I remember only you I can smell you from acrossed the room The way your hair fell towards your face then you would brush it back into place I can feel when you look my direction I always miss your affection I wonder all the time I think its causing me to lose my mind. I tell people I am just fine when really I think all I can do is pine.

Like a razor blade you can be harmless and useful Or the most deadly and hateful thing ever seen.I guess this is why so many nights I have cried and wondered why haven't I died? You try to kill me .... but your blade isn't always penetrating.It is to my heart though. I am broken and for that I give you a token.I am not always so soft spoken but I have never sliced away your insides like you have mine. I have never decided you were ever unworthy of the finer things in life like you have decided about me. I also have never once said that I wouldn't love you til the end of time like you have just now told me. I will keep loving you even after you have mangled my insides, and tangled me in all your lies. This is how much I love you and all I ask is that you try.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Grandma's Dream and other things.

This Morning Grandma woke up to tell me that we had a rather good adventure that ended in her crying and Me with a broken leg. what is this all about I asked? She said well went to Chicago and I was like why the shell would we go there? she said because we were shopping. Then we had to get a hotel room. While we were checking in some people with a camper couldn't get a room so they stayed with us too. There we were all four in the hotel room with a broken dirty pool. Then we go to the mall and somehow I broke my leg and needed a rascal scooter for it. We borrowed one we then had a hard time getting it up the escolator. It was red to match my shirt. Once to the top floor we went in a movie theater to see a movie we just got sat down and a man picked up my rascal scooter and ran. Grandma went running after him yelling at him but couldn't catch him and she saw a security guard but the man got away and Grandma cried because we couldn't afford to pay for it. While this was all happening we also used to pool of the people who had the camper it was really nice.Then she awoke exhausted from running after the man. Lol. what a dream. So today was fun. I went with Amanda aka Sky in the purple car to Taco Bell we saw Mike there and he embarrased me because He was yelling at me to call him on my way out the door and there were people behind us so I held the door for them. Once outside after they said thankyou the man remarked about how I better call my boy inside cause he would be upset if I didn't and I said I wasn't really planning on it. Ah .. it was aweful though cause I was like oh my. What the shell are these people thinking? yeah anyhow.. then we went to the movie and saw the incredibles. It was okay. After that I came home to venture fourth with my Grandma we went dinner and to buy some guns to cap those gofers. Makes me laugh alot. We had some fun. Then tonight I was like yo Mike Mustard Plug is coming the 30th and he was like yeah I am going with or without you. so then I was like aww man. see... THEGrimmster1981: So mustard plug at the intersection outrunrain: Yes THEGrimmster1981: Yeah I will probably be going to that outrunrain: Yeah you aren't lying are you outrunrain: cause if you are Kicking will have to be done outrunrain: lol outrunrain: Cause you know what a sick world it is for two young girls to travel out into a world of unknownTHEGrimmster1981: haha oh boyTHEGrimmster1981: I could get there myselfTHEGrimmster1981: but I would have to check out a map to give you good directions outrunrain: Lol why don't you drive us ?outrunrain: huh ?outrunrain: its a waste of gas for everyone to go the same direction MIKE!outrunrain: Environment killer eh?THEGrimmster1981: We shall see, I am certain my college peeps will be coming toooutrunrain: So .. we mingle well outrunrain: Lol or are you saying no room in the car?outrunrain: Huh THEGrimmster1981: hehe noooooo... :-P outrunrain: Ah .. yeah yeah ... I understand outrunrain: I wouldn't wanna be seen with two pale white chicks either THEGrimmster1981: haha Ruth outrunrain: well either way you just have to let us know if you can drive us or if we need to follow the map cause .. Lol we are bad with Directions!! REALLY BAD! THEGrimmster1981: hahaTHEGrimmster1981: Maybe we can work somethingTHEGrimmster1981: it is time for you and Jesus to step out into this big bad worldoutrunrain: You laugh but its sad .. and maybe I will keep bugging you about it .. Lol JENNY HICKS .. jesus has to go save some children that day cause I tried to get her to go but she can't she has to go to the boot state for the kids THEGrimmster1981: haha yeah Jenny hicks is even funnier
The it turned UGLY outrunrain: Do you know how to ice skate?THEGrimmster1981: Not really I'd love to try thoughoutrunrain: lol yeah cause falling and being bladed in the calf sounds real nice about this time of year huhoutrunrain: ?THEGrimmster1981: Right ooutrunrain: Well have you been to that Echo Valley ever?THEGrimmster1981: NOPE!THEGrimmster1981: Have you ever heard of the musical rent?outrunrain: sure have THEGrimmster1981: But yeah roller skating on ice sounds funoutrunrain: I know outrunrain: But Lol ... the balanced retarted don't know if thats a good idea THEGrimmster1981: Say but how about Rent!outrunrain: How about it ... ?THEGrimmster1981: Do you like it?outrunrain: lol isn't that costly?outrunrain: I don't know I haven't seen it THEGrimmster1981: Indeed it isoutrunrain: I have heard of it outrunrain: I have read good reviews about it outrunrain: lol but Thats all I know about it THEGrimmster1981: its awsome

Then somehow I lost track of it... so Meh... not my problem. I did however manage to find Joe Robbins which I am thrilled about cause thats way freakin awesome!
The Deer left me cause he likes to be mean now. I talked to Tony too he says we can be friends when I see him again. Lol what the shell? ah.. and Shaun Collins, Seth, Amanda, Jenny Hicks and I are supposed to have some fun tomorrow so that could be really cool. I can't wait. I haven't gotten a group together for awhile. Yup so thats the plan. I had so much else to talk about but its getting late and 5 am is here before you know it. I Need sleep weather I like it or not. So hey catch ya later! Love! ~Ruth

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Laughing all the time!

Well My Grandma is so funny cause she is the best. Yesterday we were having a blast. Work went well and after we went to dinner in the small part of town. Which the day before she mentioned to me about how much she loved being part of a town where everyone knows you and I was like not me. Well when we walked in the resturant last night ... Everyone there was yelling hi to us and I was like what the shell I have never encountered any of these people before in my life. Turns out Grandma knew everyone in the resturant meaning all the waitresses and the people eating except one waitress and a couple of angry people. It was so freakin strange. Then I was like hide your face so that people stop coming up to our table. I do wanna eat. Then more just kept coming lol. We had a good laugh about it but now I know why Grandma loves our town. She would never wanna be just another one in the crowd. While we were in there she was telling me all about when she first got married to my Grandpa and it was so funny. She had strange ideas at my age. well they wanted to get married the week of her 18th birthday and they had a five day waiting list. Well it turns out the judge waived it because Grandpa and Grandma thought people didn't get married on a monday. So then they got married on a wednesday cause thats that we went to the local meijer to buy some gifts. well we wanted to get the advertised flood light for Uncle where you could supposedly see for a mile. well we finally found one and we got laughing cause it was so freakin heavy. You would need two people to hold it up and turn it on. So there went that idea. After that happen we were going to buy an air gun because Grandma thought they would kill small animals. (lol for a moment I put golfers ha ha! ) Anyhow... She was like I want one!! Then Erik aka SUNSHINE was there and it was so hystrical because he wanted to buy one to shoot his friends. I was like what kind of friends do you have that sounds so dangerous. Lol. I guess if you shoot them you are just getting in with the crowd. I thought it was funny. Well by the time he left he had Meijer workers hating him because he wasn't sure if he wanted them to open the glass case. lol I thought it was funny. I really had alot of fun last night and tonight we are going back to the church where Grandma was married. I really am excited to see just because I think it will be awesome. So ... yeah thats what I wanted to say for now... I will keep you posted. Love~Ruth

Thursday, December 02, 2004


The Fishes
Dis Fish
will make you a mighty fine dish
If You're lucky they will grant you tree wish.
For dis is a mighty fine fish.
Dish fish traveled far
Only to find a bar
now he stares at the star.
For he is only a fish
in a world where he can't see
sea is everything
a bird offered to take him under his wing.
All he had to do is ring.
Dis Might fine fish
never used his fist
Never asked to be Rich
He always had to make a list
His only wish was to go from the bar
In a brand new real car.
His home was much too far
Instead dis mighty fine fish
Will grant you tree wish.
In a sea where he can't see. aka another Lloyd/ Ruth writing.

December so far... whoa its a good one. I have had this job of mine for awhile and I never really just spend all my money just to spend it. Today I learned why. Lol I like a moron wanted my hair done again. So what do I do like a fool. Pay an arm and a leg. It was outragous but I like the out come even though it was money I will never see again. Thats what happens from time to time my friends. SO work was really fun. I love when I get to work with people who make me laugh. This morning Pat, Dee, My mom, Grandma and I all went out to breakfast. I was so glad cause Dee still laughes at everything. For now I am getting tired for I just spent alot of my youth playing old skool mario Brothers. I was loving it even though I can't play very good it was awesome. Not only that game but Duck hunt was a classic. That was lame though cause I only got one duck out of the 14 or something so MY OH MY! Not my sport. So yeah .. tripping is what everyone at my job knows me for now and its horrible I swear to you I can't walk at all. Ah.. they all just watch me because they think I am going to take flight or something. Ha ha . I did stop to see Jesus and Joe Robbins but yeah .. they were working so they didn't have much to say. I still have not heard from Shun Shaun about why he stood me up on Monday and thats lame. I still will most likely forgive him. :/ Sometimes I swear Lloyd is the biggest dork I know. He talks on the phone to his Best friend like no one else can listen and it just cracks me up cause he is standing right beside me in the kitchen. Lol what the shell? ah so I am done tormenting people today for I am much too tired to keep up the task. I hope you are all having a wonderful time here as well. Love ya much!~Ruth

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

December should be one I remember

I am so thrilled. ah the things boys say that just make your whole long day. :) I just spent alot of time with Grandma picking up some strays to add to our collection.their was some kid in a car who I guess was looking our direction and I was tormenting my Grandma saying whoa that kid is checking you out when he really wasn't lol .. but ah then we got to a red light next to him and he was staring so My Grandma was like I am gonna honk and I said whatever .. and she did then he was really excited. Lucky us he turned. It was still so funny. I talked to Zach Sutton aka Lucky Charm last night he decided if I get him a great gift for his Birthday we can be friends in January again. Who would have guessed. Lol ... anyhow my Todd time quote. TMWG7: i love u babe You know its so true. Ha ha. I have not talked to the Law Buddy in a few days again. Darn that slacker. I did however stop to see Bert last night in Taco Bell and I finally got his Las Vegas gift to him. The Grimmolicious boy is so hard to find sometimes ... I am thinking he forgets we are such good friends lol. JK he knows he loves me. ha makes me laugh even MORE! So Jake :) can't really ever say he has really tried to claim me... just so everyone knows.. He ran away and now he can say all he wants but come on if it were the truth do you people really think I would give up that chance? No way in Shell. So its not don't worry. I am not all the way crazy just yet.
Lloyd and I did write a poem together lol... cause I kinda started it and left it by the computer so he added and here it goes...
Dr Pepper in my eye
So I cried
all night
and then
the pain died
so no more I cry.
I hope you all have a wonderful night. Pray for better weather tomorrow because I would kinda like to work because I will want the money.:) So good night sleep tight.~Ruth