Tuesday, May 30, 2006

shaun can dance and I am jealous

Ha so interesting times have been happening. I've worked four jobs lately and I somehow managed to lose my voice in the process for about 3 days. Its just now coming back some. It was hilarious because as cashier you have to make conversation with the people you are waiting on... or not. you can look just as puzzled and confused as they do and then they seem to get hostile.
Well Thursday night I hungout with Shun-Shaun turns out we went back to looking like a couple for a night. I haven't got the pictures to prove it yet but sometime I will have. It was great how much he makes me laugh and on top of that we went to see a movie which wasn't that funny but HE SNORTED really loud and EVERYONE HEARD him. Still cracks me up. we then went out and learned some great new dance moves. Ha he is the person you want to go dancing with always because no matter what you think looks completely over the top shaun can do it better by five times!
Friday completely great. I worked most of the day and I ended up hanging out with Sarah and A.p. we went to see X-men3 which FYI it rocked! great casting and just a whole awesome movie. Sarah and Adam both cut their hair and completely shocked me when they walked in. Then we went to the Pizza place where I called A.p a butter ball :) Cause he is cute like that. he he.... We went out to the bar pretty much so I could dance and they could watch me. Jenny sadly went all Mali-dew on us and messed up her drink it was hilarious. We ended the night at about 3am.

Saturday was thrown off a bit because I thought I didn't have to work until 3 turns out I was working at 11 so Yikes! My bad. I rushed to work and once I got out I went to my bar meeting which was interesting followed that up with some bowling and then by the end of the night I was watching a girl burn her nose hairs. Talk about hilarious times! still makes me giggle. I think its great how the things other people find lame are the things I laugh the most about. We also got some cool after glow from the party and I loved how I got the ninja! Oh yeah and Sadly I found out everyone I had been hangingout with at the bar is Married. YIKES! I don't know what is up with me and the married men but I am going to start asking straight forward before I let any conversations start lol. Jenny and I got to meet a guy with a "cool" car. I think his name was Tim and he had a 69 camaro if I remember right. Lol who knows I might be way off. Something pretty though. I was jealous!

Yesterday morning I woke up about 7 to go sing in the park. Since I had no voice left it wasn't as cool as it could have been. I had to wear my flag shirt and everything. lol. Sadly a man paying tribute passed out during the raise of the flag. Turns out I know him and it was kinda trumatic. After that we found some lunch. Then I worked all day. Which wasn't that horrible. I got shot in the face with rubber bands, almost had a heat stroke and tripped on the way out. Otherwise its all good.
This morning its really humid and SO HOT with all the rain I think I am just going to go swimming in the mud puddles or something. ;)

Hopefully you've all had a safe memorial day weekend and you are all well.
Catch ya when I can.-Ruth<3

Monday, May 22, 2006

Golly gee

Sadly the slide show as you can most likely tell doesn't always work. My bad.
So just recent I started a 4th job. Hopefully its only for a week or two. I am so handy.
In the last couple weeks I've been busy.
I am so excited about my choir. We went to competition we ranked 3rd in something and won a medal then we ranked 6th over all against the choirs which was really really good! It was so awesome. I went up and stayed in the Amway Grand in Grand Rapids which was just a nice place. I felt kinda poor walking around there. It was beautiful!! We went to dinner and some place called sulleys. We liked it. We sang to the kitchen staff.
We have a memorial day show coming up which I am kinda nervous because I haven't got the right outfit that we are supposed to all be wearing but what the shell.

This weekend I worked at the bar and some of the time was fun and some was hard cause its been awhile since I've worked out there. I like going out just for fun but the work was pretty good.

My brother just moved out of the house. Its so lame because he won't be here but meh... it happens.

I got alot to say but I have such little time as always. So I will be getting back to this ASAP!
Miss you guys-Ruth

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A little slide show...

So I put together this whole little slide show... I have a lot to talk about here and I will get back to you this week because I am not working as much.

For now I am going to let you know I am really happy. My life is just kinda not to exciting but its going good. I haven't had much bad news I should say and I have just been able to get through with only positive thoughts lately. Since Jennys Birthday on Saturday it seems like all of my friends and I are just showing some love towards one another. I love to be loved and I love to not be forgotten so for them to all put fourth the efforts and start hangingout and just learning to laugh about stuff makes me really excited.

Last night Shaun,Spring,Jenny,Lloyd and I all piled into the car and drove to Kalamazoo for some random fun. We ended up bowling and just laughing the whole night away. I missed that and I really am so excited we just were able to have some fun. We also ran into some other fun people we know Dick and Anita. We pretty much just had a riot.

Today ... My phone rang and a voice started to speak.... I knew who it was right away and my Heart did the whole skipping beats and I was excited. It was my Law Buddy LEVI. Oh how I've missed him. Turns out he has his reasons for not calling and I am completely understanding to the whole entire thing. So .... I am forgiving and I am just so glad to hear he is doing okay.

heres some pictures from saturday

http://apps.rockyou.com/rockyou.swf?instanceid=22853542" quality="high" wmode="transparent" bgcolor="#000000" width="325" height="244" name="rockmyspace" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="never" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"/>