Cluttered thoughts.
- Wow what crazy days I've had lately. I do feel a bit accomplished though because holy shamrocks I worked at the market and I have now sold over 100 dollars worth of Shamrocks for Jerrys MDA Foundation. I feel like time is slowly gaining and pretty soon I will be 92 and still have nothing else but shamrocks to show for it.
I'm glad to report though that the weather is looking up once in awhile. It was 44 degrees on our car temp and we had lots of rain instead of snow!!
- I am curious what will happen with my Chorus because our fantastic Director just got a new job which ment she had to move up north some place. Tuesday was extremely difficult and I belive that she will find nothing but good things along her new adventures. She was an amazing director and I've learned so much as well as found a friend.
- Zane is supposed to drop in town for a quick bit with that sweet sweet little baby of his. I can not wait!! Shes my favorite little girl ever!!
- I hope tomorrow is as fun as today turned out to be.