Sunday, October 31, 2004
Slowly understanding the concept.
So.. lots going on for now. Hmm or maybe not. Lol either way it was a some what fun day. I am upset though that no one makes any comments. Its set up so that everyone who views it could but no one would. LAME!! This was my horoscope It is a great day for romance and passion. Your ability to say what a person wants to hear is at an all-time high. You can use this ability to maneuver toward success and the fulfillment of desires. Pleasure is in the picture. meh who knows what that is talking about?Bladen came this morning with her niece and she interviewed the Grandma cause ah ... She is in a study of love class and she must know how much my grandma loved my grandpa. My friends interviewing her is teaching me so much I never knew. Psh.. the things you learn. I went to the gas station really quick with her which was some fun So then Jesus and I had to hangout to make sure that we weren't forgotten. We ended up stopping by to see Mike cause thats what nice people do. we made sure he felt loved ... or something nice like that. We told him his food sucks and that he should be beat. yeah thats the love we don't hear about all the time in story books. LOL ANYHOW... I got a picture of my Deer friend. Finally it worked. I think maybe its just my computer that is slow but who really knows? Not I. Which also reminds me I think my deer friend is losing track of time and now he no longer spends his time talking to me? how not fair is that. I mean we used to talk all the time these days I would be lucky to get a hello. darn that Shaun bowe. Now going on about the stories from today. While in Taco Bell we saw Bert who's' real name is Rob. Go figure. Lol anyhow... we sat there longer and Erik aka SUNSHINE and his pal walked into our lives for a brief encounter. They said an old man was checking me out eww.We didn't catch his friends name so we tracked him down later in the isle of Walmart. His name tag said Dick and he said it was no joke... so we aren't laughing now and no matter what that is what we are calling the kid. Anyhow he is our new adopted pal.THAT LUCKY FELLOW. Who knows he might take over Mikes spot in the group. Oh NO! Yeah , he sure was nice. After that Amanda not Panda we call her Sky in the purple car now.. she came we went out and about saw the movie The GRUDGE well lets just say INTERESTING stuff. I didn't really get some of the points of it but it did make me laugh and I don't think it was supposed to who really cares though? Yeah .. after that whole thing happen we went and visited Jesus at work because I couldn't talk Mike into going. He so stammered and didn't call and yeah I hope he knows jesus is sending us straight to shell now cause she is disappointed. Makes me feel real scared. Ah but I will forgive him because I am working on my hate issues. After I saw Jesus working .. you know doing the whole turning water into wine bit :/... Sky in the purple car and I went to Tonys house hungout with His mom, Bud and of course MOO aka Tony to play some cards. It was fun even though sky in the purple car won 3 of four times and I won the last time which made me feel so much better than Losing 4 times would have. Lol ..hmm... Then I came home. made my calls and I think I wished most everyone a Happy Halloween and if I didn't ... I am saying it to you now. Tomorrow night is Shaun Collins party and I am so going with Jesus and yeah we are going to be funny. Thats cause we have humor and some people just don't. Anyone know of a family looking to adopt me? Show me extra love and attention cause currently mine keeps leaving me. makes me all sad. Grandma went out to the bar for the night ... she is getting us a motorcycle man. Lol Yeah .. I mean she is out watching uncle's band. which is awesome of her if only I was 21. Freakin ay someday. okay so here is some random things I have wrote before that were on my aim profile but not everyone could read without having aim so psh .. just random stuff..
Do not be there when I want you to be Do not stand there and share these unforgetable moments with me.
You went away when I needed you most to stay.
Do not be there when I want you to be Do not stand there and share these unforgetable moments with me.
I beg and ask you please?
Why would you do this to Me?
You stand there like I don't care
When Really you are just proving life isn't fair.
Don't look at me the way I want you to
Just don't do everything thing you do to me
You make me weak
You make me think
You make me want
and you make me fear
I don't want all that
so don't come near.
Even when it makes me so happy to have you here
I can't take it when you call me dear
When you lean in right
Makes me have to fight
I don't want these feelings
all I want is healing
I am tired of wanting what I can not have
So please...
Don't be there when I want you to be
'Cause I don't want more unforgetable moments with you.
You went away when I needed you most to stay.
You left me here All alone with fear. No I don't wanna play. Not now Not today. You make me tired I am going to inspire... You to become a liar. PLEASE? Tell me a lie so I won't cry. No I don't wanna play Not now Not today.
Thoughts of you even though we are through
Thoughts of you even though we are through
If I would have realized my fate from that first date.
Forever I am doomed sitting here all alone in this room.
The freezing of memories tease me, remembering he pleased me.
Your voice echos still
The begging was a thrill
seeing you gives me a chill
Forever I am doomed
Sitting here all alone in this room
Your taste can not be erased
The touch of your lips on my neck always made me a wreck
Sitting alone in this room I am doomed.
The sensations were a good creation
You leaving was my devasation
"The bliss" was in your kiss
that will always be missed
One touch of your hand here or there turned into affecting me everywhere
Furniture is something ordinary but to me because of you its extraordinary
I am doomed sitting here all alone in this room.
Remember the day you started looking at me that way?
It faded and still
I waited...
Truth is rolling in the leaves at night is the last sign of weakness in sight.
After that we begain to fight.
Which is strange because its always dreams of you at night.
Everytime I see you flee from me
Remembering the moments of us. Makes me hesitate and leave it up to fate.
No longer do I wait.
I see its not fate
All alone in this room
Realizing I have met my doom Its because of me wanting you Even after we are through.
Catching Falling stars..My pockets are full..The sky is empty and so am I way down deep inside.All you told me was a lie Forever turned into never The star light is not near as bright slowly I am fading out of your sight see you later another bright night.
Its the words you didn't speak That are always here with me.Maybe its because I am weak?The memories of the unspoken intimacy and you loving me.Through all my tears and over coming my fears its still always you here Even when time puts distance that seems like from the Earth to the moon.I know without you I am doomed.
Breathing your breathe Not afraid of death...
Rattle my ratchets and shake my core You could be the one that I have come to adore need you ask for more?
Yeah with all that random stuff you will be busy reading non important things for a minute. While you were distracted you will be happy to know I took it upon myself to take all your money and run. If you had no money to start out with that means I took your pocket lint cause thats what good people do. he he that along with Loving you its a hard life but someone has to do it. Okay so I have to go.. .If only I was able to I would stop to visit mike again but its not really working out like I plan. Oh and we get to change our clocks. So good night you. Love~Ruth
Catching Falling stars..My pockets are full..The sky is empty and so am I way down deep inside.All you told me was a lie Forever turned into never The star light is not near as bright slowly I am fading out of your sight see you later another bright night.
Its the words you didn't speak That are always here with me.Maybe its because I am weak?The memories of the unspoken intimacy and you loving me.Through all my tears and over coming my fears its still always you here Even when time puts distance that seems like from the Earth to the moon.I know without you I am doomed.
Breathing your breathe Not afraid of death...
Rattle my ratchets and shake my core You could be the one that I have come to adore need you ask for more?
Yeah with all that random stuff you will be busy reading non important things for a minute. While you were distracted you will be happy to know I took it upon myself to take all your money and run. If you had no money to start out with that means I took your pocket lint cause thats what good people do. he he that along with Loving you its a hard life but someone has to do it. Okay so I have to go.. .If only I was able to I would stop to visit mike again but its not really working out like I plan. Oh and we get to change our clocks. So good night you. Love~Ruth
Shaun Bowe, my deer friend being really happy with his Grandpa... Good quote from him " and your not ugly dont be a stupid" and "Everytime i lied i saw your frown
and everytime you cried my heart broke down
now everytime i try you just turn around leaving me there with my face to the ground
but you think you'd see...why can't you see You need me
and as i sit here waiting, for you to come everyone passes.and as i sit here waiting, for you to come my life keeps passin
when will i get my chance to explain this all is my fault..i feel your pain and ive felt it i've felt it i've felt it since the day you left"![]()
Friday, October 29, 2004
No one noticed
Hey Pals..
Or what ones I should call pals . THEGrimmster1981: Jesus came to visit me at workTHEGrimmster1981: Ruth was absent
Yeah See he didn't seem to be too sad just pointing out that I am a loser sitting at home. Psh.. yeah real nice. Anyhow.. I got some of the pictures to show up but not the best ones.. So I am really upset about that. Man oh man.. this is alot more work than I thought plus now I also have to find time to type in here cause I have only been talking about how lame the picture thing is going. Hmm I will write some random thoughts... Ah Today I was a lil' devil and a cute one at that. The blind kid Tony on the bus says ... Little Ruth makes a Beautiful Devil. Yeah he is blind lol. what does he know? Yeah so that was some fun. I also ran into Erik aka Sunshine today in Walmart.. then ah .. I haven't talked to the deer much lately I don't think he has time for me.. its so sad.Today I got my first pay Check which was awesome... I am not saying exactly how much it was but it was awesome that I got it and I guess for a kid my age its a very reasonable amount I hear. Meh.. who knows. I am still at a loss for thoughts about who I am voting for in the next election but .. I was really mad that they take all my money away. Gee I am bitter.. anyhow.. Zane called tonight and I think I am going to soon send him this link cause that would be cool of me. Plus He gets bored too. I can't wait to go to Vegas.. I mean Kenny Rogers here I come. Lol. Sorry I had to admit it. I love that kenny. Now that I am just stammering again I think I will leave. Later
Or what ones I should call pals . THEGrimmster1981: Jesus came to visit me at workTHEGrimmster1981: Ruth was absent
Yeah See he didn't seem to be too sad just pointing out that I am a loser sitting at home. Psh.. yeah real nice. Anyhow.. I got some of the pictures to show up but not the best ones.. So I am really upset about that. Man oh man.. this is alot more work than I thought plus now I also have to find time to type in here cause I have only been talking about how lame the picture thing is going. Hmm I will write some random thoughts... Ah Today I was a lil' devil and a cute one at that. The blind kid Tony on the bus says ... Little Ruth makes a Beautiful Devil. Yeah he is blind lol. what does he know? Yeah so that was some fun. I also ran into Erik aka Sunshine today in Walmart.. then ah .. I haven't talked to the deer much lately I don't think he has time for me.. its so sad.Today I got my first pay Check which was awesome... I am not saying exactly how much it was but it was awesome that I got it and I guess for a kid my age its a very reasonable amount I hear. Meh.. who knows. I am still at a loss for thoughts about who I am voting for in the next election but .. I was really mad that they take all my money away. Gee I am bitter.. anyhow.. Zane called tonight and I think I am going to soon send him this link cause that would be cool of me. Plus He gets bored too. I can't wait to go to Vegas.. I mean Kenny Rogers here I come. Lol. Sorry I had to admit it. I love that kenny. Now that I am just stammering again I think I will leave. Later
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Since I think this will work for me now... better shout out.
Shout Out to my pals, *Top of the list must be JENNY HICKS aka Joe Robbins former Slow HOE You are the best friend I have ever had. You always make me laugh when least expected and you know how laugh at all my lame jokes. There are always great memories when your name comes into a conversation and I am sure plenty more to come. *My Bestest Good friend Tony TOM BAG. he he .. Moo I love that you are you. Screamin fairy girl and all I always Laugh when you are in the room weather its at you or with you... I am always glad of that. You are a pretty tall guy too so I love that you put so much fear in peoples eyes.*REN or Renee aka Nanner PUDDIN Donkey kong needs us and don't worry I always got your back even when we are wrong .. we are still R&R*Zane Aka Pork Chop best person in the world to defend me and the rest of the world.*LAW BUDDY LEVI ah .. brings flash backs of the good old days lurking in the town.. No bake cookies, South Haven and need I say more about the FORT? huh Great times. You have alot of potential and if you don't use and abuse it You know I will track you down and hurt you because You are ment to be Something greater than great in life I believe it with my whole heart and you know it.Hmm and GODZILLA?he he he*Bladen Hey I wonder if Bladen will join you? anyhow.. Hey we have done some great things in life to don't forget the gazebo with Matt and E dawg aka sunshine. Even though some current day things change the memories are still fun to laugh about oh yeah and that time you fell in your kitchen still my favorite. :-)*Sammy the lil Brother.. Baby Shark is always a smile and ah you are a great kid you better stay that way. *Grimmolicious Boy I could say alot about you but.. For being one of the smartest boys you always torment us and you never realize it. Ah.. We have alot of fun whenever we can actually track you down and actually talk you into suffering a day with us. Thanks for putting up with us kids but just know I am never calling my car trunk a boot I just don't think its a good idea. Keep up the good Taco making and we will see you there.*Jen BAG aka Jesus hey You are some serious fun. I am always glad to hear you laugh with us. We have some pretty crazy fun and its grand. I hope you stay not grounded. Come on grow up already will you? Jk oh yeah and tell Your mom and Bud hey too.*Michelle aka Hasheeb Irene and whatever else I deicide to add you are alot of fun. I have these great memories of us being dorks all the time and not caring what the world thinks thats what makes us the fun ones. *Shaun Bowe aka The sexy hoe you are such a deer friend. Ah so we don't really talk in person but almost anytime I log on and you are here I manage to chat it up with you even if it is me answering for you. Don't ever forget I saved your life buddy the least you could do is thank me. Hmm.. well over all I suppose you are a good friend to me and I am glad that you are on the buddy list it was a great addition.So EVERYOne BACK OFF HE IS MINE!! *Erik aka Sunshine ah we have our spats but when its all said and done I know it was me who messed up and I am just going to have to live with that but hey you get to be a taco boy with grimmolicious you lucky boy you. After everything is said and done we had some great times and you always make me smile so I am thankful for that. Never take the can food lol and keep me posted. *Cassi Hey You are one cool cracker and gee always up for the fun dumb screaming at the top of our lungs for no apparent reason. Makes me laugh*Shun Shaun hey I love RED AND BLACK and I am glad we have that same love for the best colors. hey what can I say about you besides you are one of the most optimistic people I have ever met and I wish I could have that .. but I don't and I like that about you along with the whole me being your greatest friend means we have alot of great adventures in our scrapbook and I wouldn't trade many of them for much except maybe the truck getting stuck in my drive way cause I was COLD.*Zach aka Lucky Charm hmm not really much to say but you can be some real fun if you wanna be out going I can kinda sorta tell. Just needed to mention you incase we ever aren't such distant friends. *MATt well remember that one summer was a blast of Ruth and Matt pictures. Yeah I remember and it was great fun. Lots of luck to you in your college years you seem to be in a harder school than some.*My lil' Drummer boy Todd you always make me laugh.*Jake you have earned your place.. and hmm lets just say you are as Hot as I wish I could be.* Hey to Lloyd the coolest Brother I have even though he forgets that I am cool too. Yeah psh not cool.
Okay with all that stuff being said.. I still have no one to talk to most of the time because they are all always Busy with something else so that means I have decided to post my thoughts for strangers to read because maybe just maybe they will have the same issues as me. Who knows? Not me. Keep a look out cause as soon as I figure this out everyones picture is on here. LOL EVEN THE BAD ONES!! Jk or am I? we will have to wait and see. Later