Thursday, November 30, 2006

Accidents follow me!

Alright guys ... So last night was the straw thing but then today was worst. Yeah how could it be much worst? It just could...
lol. First off let me tell you I am just the person that all these bad things would happen to sometimes.
I was walking into our local Wal-Mart and I noticed one woman with like 8 kids at her side. Well of course I couldn't believe that they were all hers so I wasn't paying much attention and I just kept trying to rationalize how she accquired so many children. Turns out while I was counting one had escaped my view and somehow got behind me and attempted to trip me. Well before I knew it there I was tangled up and laying in the entry way of Wal-mart. As if its not bad enough that I had fallen but some how the little boy tripped too and everyone was looking at me as if I had deliberately knocked him down. Yup he was fine and laughing while I was a tiny bit injured and my ego went crashing to the ground.
Yeah everyone wanted to make it seem like the little kid needed the help from the crazy person but really he didn't have near as far to fall and come on ... like he doesn't have the ability to bounce back fast?!?! Yeah so another sad but ONLY WOULD happen to Ruth story.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Everything and Nothing

Have you ever wanted everything and nothing all at once?
There are so many things that I have already that most people never get to have but yet I feel as if I have nothing to offer and I don't want anything that can't be earned. I just feel as if I am working so hard and yet not accomplishing anything.
Its frusterating... but eventually you just gotta have faith that it all pays off. Its the moments inbetween that are disturbing me.

A random hilarious story that made yours truely feel like a donkey... I went for drinks with my friend Jenny. Bad we were getting really good service from the waiter because he kept coming back to check up on us which is always GREAT but ... it was sad because I was busy drinking my drink when the waiter returned to ask if we needed refills and the straw stuck to my lip. So when I turned my drink splashed down the front of me and my straw went flying... yeah MY face was only 12 shades of red. Only something RUTH WOULD DO. maybe it was more of you should have been there.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

aww shucks!

Currently I really haven't got anything eventful worth blogging about to say. I just wanted to drop a line so that everyone knows I am still here. I am bored and Not really miserable but just bored and spending too much time all by myself. Even if I am a workaholic it is nice to sometimes have some fun with other folk. Okay so ... Mmm send your thoughts er ideas my way and I will chat at ya later

Monday, November 27, 2006


mm... So I will remind you what awkward is...
Its when you think you've known someone so well that when you find out they are completely different than you knew... your standing alone finding out that you're a fool to have believed otherwise. Yeah that my friend is awkward!
Ha yeah ... I also had the great idea to go to dinner last night with some pals ... one of which I didn't expect to show up because the last time we hungout was when I slept at his house.... since then not a word. So sitting at a stake N shake table looking at the ice cubes in my glass with him staring at me was really uncomfortable. I guess I don't know why you would invite someone you didn't think would show up if you really ment it. Gosh sometimes I really am a DUMB *S*!! lol!! It was some fun but what the shell was I thinking. Ruth PUT DOWN THE CRACK PIPE!

So great other news is ...I am going to go to Grand Rapids tonight and have dinner at Arneys which is Delightful. They have the best wisconsin cheese soup and its in Michigan .. How crazy is that? Pretty insane I tell you! After that I think we are gonna shop some more from christmas gifts. Of course I am not shopping for many gifts because I am feeling a bit selfish so ... I will just watch everyone else buy cool things that I can say ... yeah I was there when they picked it out. I thought you'd like it. Lol like it was my idea too or something. Ha ha ... saves money and psh most of the time the gifts aren't that heartfelt these days so I am not caring too much ... The best gift to give is your time I've decided. Them just seeing me and being with me should be enough those greedy little crackers!

Saturday, November 25, 2006


So most of you know the day after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year. Pure insanity if you ask me. I was woke up dragged outta bed and thrown into a crowd of people yesterday at 5am. What do I have to show for it??
NOTHING lol! Not one thing I intended to have. So for those of you who slept in... I think you are much wiser than you appeared.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Whats that TURKEY?

HOLY TURKEY its Thanksgiving already. Who would have guessed that it'd sneak up so fast. So I got thinking... I bet thanksgiving is a vegetarians worst nightmare. Lol... I mean think about it. These days most of the time people are so busy thinking about what bird they are going to cook that animal rights activist become very hostile this time of year.

So my things I am always thankful for...
Health and Happiness.

Yeah ... This year I suppose I am really happy that I am on pretty good terms with anyone and everyone. They all know I love em and ... yup! Otherwise my jobs are fine and everything else I want can always come later.

So ... Its been awhile. I think I got my computer fixed but who really knows? Its working for the moment now so thats what matters. Since thats the case I will wish you all great TURKEY KILLING FUN !!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Such a sad time

Guys I no longer have a working computer. I;ve had so much to say and so much to tell you but .... it hasn't worked out for me. :( So have some fun and take care. -Ruth<3