sorry I am so busy I need vacation from taking my vacation. I got home just in time to be screwed with a extremely heavy work load and I haven't had time to collect my thoughts at all let alone make enough sense of them to try to make you people understand.
So I learned yesterday when a person of a certain age attacks you the only thing you can do is pick yourself off the ground smile and look surprised like yes I am a fool thankyou. Yeah ... Grandma pushed me down in our garage. lol. Okay maybe she didn't really push me but she might as well have. I fell and we had an old t.v. out there so I decided it'd be a great thing to hold on to the television for dear life to prevent worst injury I guess. Instead of my Grandma helping me up she just busted out in pure laughter and left me laying on the floor. How is that friendly? I thought she loved me. Darn it. The local paper just posted this article this week about how our squirrels are too fat and that they consume only fatty foods so now that we have warm weather they are Dangerously LARGE!! IT was funny to me anyways but really the best part was that our paper made it front page news. What is the world coming to??
Ha... Unhuggable? so maybe its just mebecause either I got so many hugs that I can't remember when I was little I tire of them and have no desire or ... my mom didn't hug me enough so I became socially retarted. Either way it seems lately with the holliday season and all people think I want them to hug me. I don't appear as the hugging type and at no time have I said come here and hug me but yet I am the first one they seem to target. Sometimes its okay but most of the time I don't want you to touch me. I don't care if you feel rejected... I just don't like it. The only time I am all for hugging is when I am being a "LUSH" otherwise ... keep your distance for yours and my safety.
8. last cigarette: Never
7. last beverage: Water
6. last phone call: Grandma
5. last text message: Ap
4. last cd played: Regina
2. last time you cried: FUNERAL
1. last meal:Mac and cheese
SEVEN have you's:
7. have you ever dated someone twice? Yes sadly
6. have you ever been cheated on?: I don't believe so
5. have you ever been called a bitch? To often
4. have you ever fallen in love?: yes
3. have you ever lost someone? Too many
2. have you ever been depressed? More often than I'd like
1. have you ever peed your pants? Like when I was little I prolly I did.
SIX things you did in the past three days:
1. Went to school: Not for myself
2. Went to work: EVERYDAY
3. Colored: YES I LIKE IT
5. Got drunk: No
6. Slept: hardly
FOUR people you can tell anything to:
1. Grandma
2. Jenny
THREE favorite colors.1. Red
2. Black
3. Blue
list TWO things you want to do before you die -
1.Travel 2. Smile often
So Far In 2007 have you...Made a new friend? yes
Fallen out of love? Don't you have to be in love to fall out
Laughed until you cried? YES
Went behind your parents back? Um... Everything I do is infront of them
Met someone who changed your life? Yes
Gotten close to someone? Not yet
Found out who your true friends were? Um I thought I knew
. Bush?: MEH...
. Gay Marriage?: Whatever you wanna do ..
. Lowering the drinking age?: Absolutly not
. Straight, Gay, Bi?:I'm Straight!! but you can do what you want.
. Who is the best kisser that you know? Ha I haven't kissed everyone yet to find out who the best is let me get back to ya on that.
. Do you believe in love at first sight?I haven't fallen that quickly yet.
. Is there something you want to tell someone? Not really
. What brand of shirt are you wearing?: Hot Topic
. How many kids do you want to have? Right now not too many at all.
. Do you wanna change your name?: Not really but if I do it will be NINJA
. What did you do for your last birthday?:Not alot but we made up for it on my fake birthday
. What time did you wake up today? 5am
. What were you doing at midnight this morning? hangingout with Bladen
. Name something you CANNOT wait to do: Grow up... lol and prolly go to vegas in july
. Last time you saw your father? how about can't recall ever?
. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? More education
. Which feature do you like the best about the oppostite sex?Sense of humor
. What are you listening to right now?Not much really just the dryer
. Have you ever donated money to a good cause? Yes
. Have you ever talked about someone behind their back? I'm sure I have and I am sure in the end I've told them.
. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone? Levi's pants and shirt?
. Who's getting on your nerves right now? Right now just me
. Most visited webpage? Blogger of course
. Coke or Pepsi? either
. Do you have a crush? Nah.
Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past week? um today is what day... I think my week is up. So No
. Do you disagree with a lot of things going on in the world? Yes
. Do you think there's some models/people out there that should gain a couple pounds? Skinny is good, but too skinny is anorexia
. Do you enjoy your friendship with your friends? MOST ALWAYS they are wonderful.
I won't always be so disappointing One Sparkle of your pretty blue eyes and I've got butterflies.You captured a piece of my heart now I don't even know where to startI'm normally not so shy but maybe its been the wrong guy.You want her which messed up whatever we were. Kiss me tease me and whisper all the ways you want to please me.cover me in kisses,I'll show you that you're what I've been missin and for that I will try to grant you all your wishes.Don't misunderstand my silliness its actually more willingness.hold my hand and I will remind you how to be a man.pull me near and help me forget my fear because if you take this chance I promise you will always have the next dance.